Reaching the end of my Anger series, here are my thoughts on repair (see more slides on this topic below the words):
An important note:
🌼When there’s a rupture, what’s most important is a good enough repair.
🌼Remember - mums don’t ‘get it right’ all the time. (‘Getting it right’ is about tuning in & responding sensitively to your child’s needs)
🌼Even the most attuned mothers only ‘get it right’ about 30 per cent of the time!
🌼Through us not always ‘getting it right’, important learning happens.
🌼After a short burst of Anger, the repair teaches the child that something positive can come out of something difficult.
If Anger’s showing up a lot, it’s a sign our capacity cup is spilling over.
So next I’ll talk about CONTAINMENT. Why mums need it & what gets in the way.
🌼TELL ME - what’s your experience of repairing with your child?